if not i'm gonna put pig head on their respective doorsteps. =P
well, let me post our dear Kenneth's b'day celebration!!! =D
yeah!! happy birthday!! LOL. its like so long ago man. Hope you like that T-shirt. =D
we went to eat steamboat opposite bugis junction. The tom yam is SUPERB!!! *slLLurrPPs!!!*
Not just the soup is fabulous, i think its very important who u eat with also! nice ppl, nice food!! haha
after the delicious steamboat, we, gals went to the toilet. and you know wad? once we reach the toilet, all the cameras started to snap away.. haha!! gals ah...
headed to apollo centre for karaoke but the place so late den can sing so we cut cake first. becos me, has and his gf were leaving early. =)
after cake ceremony. walked to the clarke quay for phototaking. =D
these are just some of the pics la. i'm lazy to put all.
Nice scenery huh?? well, you can't really see... haha! i just say say only.
Next is Halloween!!! yeahness!! hahha
sherry was so handsome on that night!! =D because she was standing beside eileen the zombie. HAHAHA! okok.. just joking.. hurhur. she's handsome wad.
its not that fun that night but with eileen around. heh.. its still not bad. =D Thanks jeremy for the jacket man! without it, i can't enter for free too.. and thanks head hard and ally for helping with my costume. =D
heard a piece of shocking news last night man. My dear friend is getting married in Jan!! woah.. My first friend to get married.
yes.. i am still under shock. haha!! anyway, congrats. =D may you have a blissful marriage. =D next time club again!! hahaha.. provided your husband allows u la.
shall update again. needa take my med.
seriously, i am so bad luck this year. =(
fell sick for a lot of times. and last friday, i got fever again. wth. den now got bad bad sore throat. cough. =( this is the 3rd time in a year having the same illness.
when i see the doctor on monday becos of sore throat, she gave me 4 medicine. cool huh? 1 sore throat, 4 medicine. =/