i am here again. =) happy to see me right? so that you wont have spider webs here and there right? yeah........
well, i have car hop today.. not many.. only two. haha!! also hop right?!
dear ahny's car to....................
bryan's car.. ha!
okay.. lame........ like tt also want to post. sian ma...
anyway, went to watch
madagascar 2 !! quite nice... =) very funny.. ' i like to move it move it..."
thursday is like eileen and mine's movie day man.. cos we went to watch 'burn after reading' on last last thursday too.
at century sq cinema.. only the two of us and 1 guy watching the movie man. and i tell u, the movie is ........................................................................................... DAMN funny. hahah! you know why? throughout the movie, we laugh and laugh. its not because brad pitt tells good jokes.. is because we find it damn hilarious to actually watch this show la. i got cheated by bradd pitt when watching the trailer because you know when u see bradd pitt in a certain movie you will think its probably a nice movie or wad right? woah .. tell you.. this particular movie ah... i go in blur blur, come out even more blur blur. only eileen knows how to interpret the story leh. smart ah!
we thought who will be like us so stupid to go and watch this movie and you know wad? gary is actually another victim. haha! he even went to watch on weekends when the tickets are at $9.50 lo. kao! its not even worth $3 la. he said its so meaningless tt you think is funny. haha... oh well.. artistic movie huh...
kk.. wadever it is.. at least eileen and me had a good laugh. good memories right? and most imptly, good lesson
and first time only the two of us and a guy watching a movie sia... luckily not watching those horror movies.
lately, i am into Tamagutchi.. haha!! i found it at home on last friday. nobody's so i take and play lo.. i remember i used to have one when i was in pri 2. but that time i'm still young to keep a 'pet'. the 'pet' keep die so i dunno throw where le. or is it the one that i'm playing with now?? but so long liao.. sure long long ago no battery le right? hahah!.. so wierd man..
and you know wad? not only i'm the one playing tamagutchi la...
My dear classmates are also playing lo... hahah!! our pets also make friends together and become friends.. so cool..
mine is boy and theirs is gals. so all are chasing after my boi boi.. hahaha..
okay.. stop my nonsense now. 9am tutorial class tml. still needa wake up for Mr lou y.t's class. Zzzzz
*cough, can u pls faster go off? i will be good. i promise.