Halloween was spent in Double o this year instead of zouk simply because of the 'human tidal wave' in zouk. haha!!
its real hell over crowded that you can't imagine and we can't even squeeze through the crowd.
no choice, we headed to double o. its free entry to double o for dress up too. =D
no pics leh.......... eileen! faster send me.. shock them with our horror looks! =D
*i am waiting patiently for all the pics to be sent* =D
i became limping dead riding hood on halloween. because of my broken heels. my leg got so tired walking on those broken heels, i decided to take off my heels and danced barefooted the whole night. cool huh? haha!
and ya.. i got stepped by the people and it really hurts but i had to act like nth happen. you know how torturing it is?
and now my lil toe is injured. BOO! and i've really become a limp. *roll eyes*
that's right!! i've caught high school musical 3 !! =D and you know what? Zac Efron is SO SO SO handsome that i just can't stop laying my eyes on him.