let the photos and videos do the job. I'm sure they will do a great job.
Naz, pei yong, hafiq and nick(in black)
lazy to name them.. basically, tp tkd friends. =)
same group but with a rapist. =p
same group again. but with me inside =)
baygone sir debriefing them
the whole lot.....
baygone's son. dunno his name. either jet or justin.
they just dun let me take photo..
same group with kelvin and hui ting inside..
looks like a pyramid to me..
coupon. i nvr use leh.... wasted. =X
so many pattern
pei yong trying to abduct justin or jet.
the two hyper active sons and their mom. =)
he just dun want to take picture with me. =(
i so jealous la.
whoa lao.. another one.. he let darryl carry.. =(
and its wilber's turn!!!
pei fen and a new guy in 9.3.3 were the emcees
this gal bid fork out $80 just to feed wilber. cool huh?
and the uncle, (centre) forked out $250 to buy the shirt that wilber autioned for his youngest daughter(left) sweet dad huh? my dad wont even care man..
and of cos, i didn't forget my team mate!!
she didn't get the chance to see the demonstration.. so we videoed down and i went to let her see..
too bad.. the files are too big. i'm not able to upload them here. haiz.. pity.. i want to let u guys see how cute marcus was. LOL
he made us laughed while he was trying to kick a plank.
i wanted to show u that wilber got hugged by force by a fat guy. he so poor thing la..