i'm back from hong kong. came back yesterday.
How was my trip? oh man, its dessert, dessert and more dessert!! hahah. had dessert practically on every day! from the first day till the last day? and yeah.. i'm fatty ling again. =( but i so love the desserts over there la! *slurrps* can't help drooling saliva again. opps!
i miss the black sesame dumplings and many more.
i had lil sleep over there. =[ well, some photos to share.
yu hui and me (back to the 50s)
miss poh and miss wong again. =) back to present.
gu po, mr poh and mrs poh
couple at work. they were actually putting on the curtains cos my mom's curtain spoiled. haiz..
santa in town.
we want presents!
one of the delicious dessert.
17th December was my auntie's birthday. jus nice, can celebrate and this is the birthday cake. =]
mango in chee cheong fan!! hahha. i got cheated. it is actually not chee cheong fan lo.. its just some sweet thingy.. i think it is coconut fresh or wad. but nice!!
dunnoe wad this is called. think is rainbow wadever.. saw the rainbow? ya.. this is nice too!!
this is steamed egg if i'm not wrong.. NICE.
these are just some of it only.. didn't manage to take pics of all the dessert i ate. oh man, luckily i dun stay in hk. if not i can be santa's daughter.
in hk's airport. on the day of returning back to singapore
the father and daughter.
nice decors
the giant christmas tree
woots. the count down of the olympic games in Beijin
oh man, morning flights are killers to me.
on the way to our gates..
bye hong kong~~
the view from my seat
ya. we took cathay
Hi SINGAPORE!!! i'm back~!!!~