Thursday, December 15, 2005
1st dAe
reached chalet at 5 plus.. hmm.. we went to ying's cousin chalet instead .. becos of some reason... lazy top type.. den the catering came.. the food was not bad.. i liked the honey dew sago the best.. finished eating, we went back to our own chalet.. so we need to move all the stuffs to our own chalet.. when we were moving here and there, regina or who told me tt they walked passed a naked man.. and he act as if nth happened and remained standing there, tryingto show off. All of us got excited! lol den all of us rushed to there and see but he was not there le.. so we continued to move our stuffs. when we have finally smoved all our stuffs back, we put our bags up to our room.. dorothy was the last to go up and we were already siting at the living room chatting. we heard her screaming.. so all the girls ran up. She said the guy was naked and was just opposite from our room! den we all lifted up the curtain to see and tt idiot naked guy was standing facing us and holding a glass of wine if i'm not wrong, showing off his body to us! and of cos, all the gals screamed. lolx. den we went down to play guessing no. Malik and his friend christensen was the no. setter. if the person who guessed the correct no. will have punishment. our punishment was eating the crickets and worms. all of us got the punishment and because malik and his friend was the setter, dun noe whether they is it gang up to set ying up.. she kept guessed the right no. and she got to eat the crickets and worms while the rest of us onli worms. the worms actualy taste not bad.. afte playing tt, no more games le.. den we became sian and we went to ying's cousin chalet to see wad;s their activity but they jus drink and play their stuffs too.. we intended to play with them but also dun have.. den we slacked and watch tv in our own chalet.. about 9 plus or ten, des, shi hai and his cousin came.. his cousin is a malaysian. was one yr older den him.. they came liao also do nth.. den went to the swiming pool and walked around.. went back to the chalet, and we decided to play poker cards. e played heartattack and murderer.. was fun.. after tt, slacked again den we decided to play water bomb. tt was the exciting part.. i was preparing the bomb and des came to help.. the cunning him bombed me immediately i've finished fillingthe balloons making me wet. so went chasing after him. den scardy ying went to her cousin's chalet to avoid being bombed. den i couldn't bomb des.. he was too cunning.. i went to bomb shi hai's cousin instead.. hahha.. managed to bomb him.. den yiling they all said peace and wanted to bomb des and zhi xian and shi hai together as they were inside the chalet and bombed us from upstairs.. when i was aiming them, yi ling they all and sh's cousin came and bombed me.. wth.. all betrayed me.. den we continued chasing and finally our neighbour told us to shut up and stop playing as they wanted to sleep.. haix.. they go chalet for sleeping.. after tt, we sian liao den des they all decided to go night walk.. planned to eat supper but changi village was very far. we finally set off le and ying came back and they joined us for the walk, pulling her cousin and friend wif us. while walking, some arguements occurred but all settled very fast and continued to walk.. changi village was like 5 km from our chalet.. den walking halfway, the pavement has alot of croach and den wedecided to walk on the roads since there wasn't alot of vihicles at that time. was 2am in the morning.. walking happily, we saw police officers doing routine check and they screamed at us for walking on the pavement. then the officer asked where are we going and we said changi village.. then they said it was very far and said we will reach there at 4.30 am.. was like hell? 2 hours more.. so they adviced not to continue .. so all of us were tired and decide to go back and call Mac. at 3am, we have finally went reached chalet.. den while waiting for the Mac, i wanted to play blackjack but regina they all dun wan so the guys entertained me and we bet. $0.10 each.. was not bad.. earned alot.. zhi xian was the banker and he kept losing money... den the Mac finally came. was so hungry after the walk.. after eating, we continued our blackjack and this time round, dor and yiling and Jas joined us.. now zhi xian continued losing money to us.. sadx for him.. lolx. hmm.. we stopoped playing at 6 plus and went to sleep.. at around 10 plus, i woke up. the rest was still sleeping.
2nd dAe
went to play arcade, pool and bowling.. was bad at the taetorna .. beginer at pool and i didn't play bowling.. thinking it was troublesome.. Des was the beginner at bowling but he strike for several times. so pro.. about 6 plus, went back chalet for barbercue. Malik's another friend came and he was a magician.. so good at magic.. during barbercue, malik let regina and me tried the alchohol and said we will get high after drinking it.. but i didn't so he continued to let me drink.. and to his surprise, i didn't get high at all.. lol.. den he let me trid the seasha(nt sure is it spelt this way) too.. is a kinda smoking but better than ciggerates. was very fragrant and nice.. not choking at all.. den malik and his friend left.. we continued to barbercue.. around 10 plus da loo came and we played bombing again.. lolx.. we have two groups.. gals vs guys.. 7 gals and 3 guys. we finished our bombs and den we used all the gongs and containers filled with tomato and chili sauces to splash them.. lol... then ying's cousin chalet friends all came to join us.. so we decided to peace and attack their chalet.. den we were running here and there and the rest of the chalet ppl were looking at us.. we thought they wanted to complain us so we stopped playing so we went back.. our chalet was so wet and dirty.. so des, zx and shi hai had to clean up.. they were the cause of it.. then after tt, played dai dee and blackjack.. i finally know how to play dai dee le.. lolx.. des was a good teacher.. den zx lost money to us again.. den was very tired, went to sleep while they were still barbercuing.. it was at 3am le.. den at 4 plus, i woke up again and chat wif yiling they all.. nt very long, all went to sleep .. about 8 plus, des and sh woke us up using cunning methods. lolxx.. cos we need to check out at nine ma den we were still slereping at 8.30 so they have to wake us up.. we were finally up and they talk all those craps and blaming us for not leting them to sleep on the bed as sh did not touch the bed for the two whole nights.. sad for him.. den we washed up and waited for the ppl to check the chalet to see wad we have damaged or spoiled. ying have to fine.. cos she made 3 towels stained wif the charcoal.. tt was 69 bucks.. poor her.. already losing money le still need to fine.. den we waited for the shutter bus and went to tanah merah. we took bus to chinatown and ate Mac AGAIN.. den went hm le.. will upload pics..
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
chicken little
chicken little
Monday, December 05, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
holidae lIfe
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 and study!!
Friday, October 28, 2005
LaSt dAy..
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Hell life
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
sCience pRactical
Monday, October 17, 2005
lang bei
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
All nEw!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
ps. feeling pissed!! tml blog again
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005

looking down at each other... first time see a person standing up and eat ice cream...
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Friday, October 07, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
du lan
Saturday, September 24, 2005
after art we went der.. saw yoke leong too.. he wanted to see jun yang. a lot of pple der.. well, a lot of uncles and aunties.. we cant see the stage at first cos a lot of pple. we managed to sqezee in from the posb but can only see the machine.. sad.. den when the superstars came, the uncles and aunties so kind.. let me and yoke leong go in and see.. while poor yi ling and jasreel behind, seeing nothing.. well, i can see them very clearly.. the jason very friendly.. keep posing and the jun yang also posed for yoke leong.. so good rite?! wei qiang not bad either.. at least he saw me and waved at me... haha.. hmm..i think from this, i mux say we need determination to do in wadever things.. cos when i was in the crowd, i thought of going out as i really can't see anything and thought i cannot see them at all but i stayed on instead to try.. thanks to the auntie and the uncle who let me through.. they were so kind.. lol. my en rens. hmm.. they onli stayed for around half an hour den leave le. after they left, all the ppl went in to the tiong plaza and its the first time i see tiong bahru plaza is filled wif crowds.. heex
well, i will upload the pics tt we had took later... waiting for yoke leong to send me.. bye!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
after prelims
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Monday art till 12 den went to Thiong to study Chinese but end up toking... no use.. den went to meet my grandaunt they all at a restruant at pearls centre but i dun noe the way der so asked Jasreel and Yi ling to accompany me. Haiz.. end up they also brought me to the wrong place.. we went to majestic but there isn't any vegetarian restruant at Majestic so we asked the security guards where the hell is the place.. They told us the directions but not clear den we wanted to ask again, he gave us attitude.. wth.. so we went to People's park complex to ask the ppl in a shop.. they drew a map for us so it was quite clear liao. b4 going the place, Jasreel wanted to buy a drink so she bought a chocolate milk shake and guess how much it cost? Its the most expensive chocolate milk shake we ever saw.. it costs 5 bucks!! it can't even compete coffee bean.. omg.. she's being robbed in broad day light! Dun ever go to the shop! it was beside the jollibean at the people's park complex. After tt, we went to the bridge der to continue our destination. while walking the bridge, my aunt called me to tell me it was at pearls centre and the place was different from wad tt person said.. Hiaz.. den finally went to pearl's centre to find 'em le. Thanx a lot to Jasreel and yi ling for accompanying me to the 'nice' restruant'! at first thought the restruant is going to be very high class and nice.. but to our disapointment, is a very lousy one..
Tuesday had art again as usual but went to art at 10 plus onli.. met yi ling at Tiong den go sch. art finished at 11.30 so i did my art onli for half an hour.. usually art end at 12 but we had eng remedial so 11.30, mr azri released us for lunch. Went to Tiong for lunch wif ying, dorothy, wan tian, yi ling, Jazreel. den quickly went back to sch. while waiting for Dt to come, we played wif sparkles.. (forgot wad e hell its called) whole class attended his remedial. He told us a very stupid case. Four stupid NCC uper sec boys was bing robbed at the sch gate der.. think the security guard is der to bai mei... useless.. ok nvm.. the 2 robbers were onli the size of Ben Liew and the Ncc guys can't even handle em just because they are holding a knife to scare 'em. the robbers asked 'em to surrender all their valueable stuffs den walk from our sch der all the way to Thiong Bahru der. On the way der, they surely will see passer bys ma but they didn't ask for help.. the robbers told 'em not to tell the police if not they will go and find 'em for trouble and the robbers asked where they lived. The most stupid part was they told 'em their real address. -_- After remedial, went to Sunshine plaza to bring Jazreel to the artfriend. den went to Bugis to meet Mei yu. She wanted to buy pen at muji. Den went kino and we bought Play magazine. Wei bo is on the cover page!!
Wednesday had art too.. this time was earlier den tuesday cos Miss ang came ma.. scared she will scold if very late. A lot of ppl nvr go cos all dun like miss ang. Art also ended at 11.30 becos got maths but nvr went for the maths. went to take the worksheet from Ms low den went to Thiong to meet Yi ling and Kristy. We did art at the food court der. while doing, Regina called and said onli 8 pathetic students went for the maths!! wth .. see the diff between the power of DT and Miss low? lolx. Nobody cares for miss low lo.. everybody thinks tt she is toking cock and would rather ask own tuition teacher. Even wan tian also nvr go. After doing art, wanted to take cab home cos i brought my wooden plank hm to do. take bus very ma fan so might as well take cab.. at taxi stand der, there was this london cab waiting for passengers so yi ling told me to board it since it is the same price as normal cabs.. waoh loa.. when i go in, a lot of ppl alugh at me.. they see me so small den one person taking a big london cab.. i also can't believe myself.. fisrt time taking a london cab alone.
went to K-box today.. actually wanted to have k lunch which onli cost 7++ bucks so we meet at 10.30 but, all of 'em late so end up all reached at 12 plus. Had to change to 2 - 7 the pakage but if we go in at 1, we sing till 5.. We went to Tampinese der ma.. so quite a long journey. Oh.. forgot to say the ppl went are me, jasreel, kRisty and Yi ling. went to buy my watch. Its quite ex. den they all schocked when i said ' ok i wanna buy'. after buying the watch, no money lioa.. brought 100 over and e end, juz a watch and no money le!! left wif 30 bucks. ate buger king student meal den left 15 bucks for k-box. went to k box at 1.30pm. sing till 8.30pm sia!! the longest session ever had. the stuffs said as long as not much ppl book the rooms or not a lot of ppl, we can extend the session. It was fun. took potos but not very clear cos the light was not good. i sang all wei bo's sentimental songs.. a sad thing i can't rap!! den yi ling kept singing Andy Lau's song.. Haiz.. so old lo den not very nice! haha we kept complainnig tt its not nice. Jas and i had to act sleeping to ask her to skip the songs.. lolx. poor yi ling.. so young likes andy lau's song.
overall, today is quite fun..
end here lo.. Byee!!
p.s. i lUrve my watch!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
teachers' day celeb
yesterday 30/08/05
hmm.. went out with H2o after eng remedial. went to bugis cos she wanted to relieve her stress as she had just finished her histroy prelim yesterday and thought tt she might be doing badly for it. we ate japanese food. And guess wad? she treat me eat tt meal.. so surprise. at first thought is a birthday present from her to treat me the meal BUT, i was totally wrong.. after eating, we walk around and thanx so much... shopped wif her and she bought some clothes at 77th street. Then we walked around at the cartweel der den saw a dog key chain so she asked me whether i liked it and ya of cos i like it cos its cute so i said ya.. and she bought it for me as my b'dae present. Thanx so much, H2o... den she feel like watching movie and said wanted to treat me too but, the sad thing is, it was already 9 plus le so i rejected her.. so sad.. i also wanted to watch... but i can't. next time ba..
today 31/08/05
well, today is teachers' day celebration and aces day so after the national atheme, upper secs had a 'maraton'. we walked around the sch for 2 rounds. like that is called aces day?! wth... making us sweat like for nth.. so boring lo... we tried to entertain ourselves by playing games like 'concentration' and 'who stole the cookies from the cookies jar' BUT... the atmospherre is jus not right to play tt kind of games. so, we had to stop because of sianess... well, after tt, finally concert le.. hmm.. i think this yr's concert programmes were not too bad.. at least i enjoyed the programme. some of it, i even lol wif yovita. she claims tt she laughs is becos of my laughter... haiz.. i am laughing alone.. after celebration, we went back classroom. mr wong took so long to come lo.. waited for him den finally the big shot came to fetch us to the parade square. yeah.. our celebration is playing captain's ball while other classes have food to eat.. Si mr wong.. dun allow us to bring food at first... den destroy our whole idea of having a party. the captains ball was very bad. gals aginst boys. sure lost.. we gals were like running like hell but still can't get the bloody ball!! haiz.. but one good news is tt, we scored one ball too!! hahah.. but the score is 1 :6... they trashed us. well, we end the game at 10 15 am. we went back class but, we started to play water bombs!! haha.. very fun.. but onli the few of us played cos a lot of ppl went back liao. while we were like in the middle of fun, leonard cheong saw and scolded us... haiz.. den he went to complain to mr wong. its not like mr wong dun allow us to play lo.. he said as long as we cleared up the balloons, we can dun care abt the water. den mr wong came and started nagging again... those sarcasticism started again.. haiz.. we bu shuang so we argue back lo.. haha.. we said last bomb liao.. bomb at him.. he gave tt nasty look again.,.. same old brand new u!! but in the end, we bomb ourselves to end the war between yi ling, ying, jasreel, regina, and me... after tt we were like whole thing wet. overall today was fun.. hehe.. after leaving, went to accompany lin na to buy handphone den went to her auntie's shop. went to bugis to buy her handphone accessorises. den took 851 to her hse. in the bus saw jasreel and yi ling.. they have nth better to do man.. hehaaha.. fancy going all e way to yi shun by 851.. by the time ur reach der, it was already tian he le.. wadever la.. went to her hse till 6.30 den came back hm.
well, tts abt it!! byEEEeeeeeeee!
p.s. : forgot to say tt siew ling also gave me a present today... thank yoU!! its very cute... hmm...wait for my present.. ;)

1 of my beloved balloon... see e size?! bigger den foo loong n its blown by his own breathe!!
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Friday, August 26, 2005
wad happen?
i went for art and thinking of finishing my unfinished balloons, so i went to gather all my four beloved balloons BUT, my favourite yellow balloon L-O-S-T !! i can't find it.. its locked inside the storeroom but nothing.. feeling sad, i'd no more feelings to do art le.. whole day feeling down. All my efforts had gone down to the drain.. ppl thought i was sad because of the price of the balloon but i was sad because of my hardwork. well, Shi hai and Des's artwork also lost.. all of us were really discouraged. Who the hell stole it?
My birthday
Friday is my birthday.. went to sch by taxi to give myself a present.. lolx. sounds stupid? yea.. think so too.. because i was lazy to walk so far to take MRT so took a cab lo.. use birthday as an excuse. hmm.. the first present i received is from Lin na and audrey. They shared the present. it was a billabong bag. Pink colour.. (lin na chose it, wad colour do u expect? heeehe) hmm.. frankly, i didn't expect her to give me present on my birth date.. usually is belated.. den the yi ling crap... while waiting for the national anthem, she blew wind at me(she was just behind me) den said it was a gift from her... -_- hahah.. den later she blew again at another side of my head.. saying it was a fan.. thanx hor. hehe.. WT and Mei yu also shared presnt too.. they bought for me a b.u.m red shirt... other than i cannot wear it at night, other times and occasions are still fine. not bad looking actually.. sincerely thanx to wan tian and mei yu. :) hmm.. Ying gave me a necklace. Thanx! i love it! These are the presents tt i have received on friday. For friday, its quite a nice day.. everything went smoothly as wad i expected other i still cannot find myt beloved balloon. take for example, the swimming lesson. thought Mr lee won't excuse me for not swimming but he did! he allowed me not to swim. but yi ling was sent hm.. poor thing.. then the Dt.. he punished me to go outside of the class because he misunderstood me.. haiz.. den later when he tok to me, he said a lot of words tt touched me.. so gan dong tt i cried... he said all those words tt i didn't expect him to say to me. especially when all along i've hate him to the core and somemore is on my birthday leh.. Kao.. nvr expect such things to happen. den when i was crying, they all cheer me up by cracking all those lame jokes.. thanx to all. During AA, AVA was so bloody cold tt i went to art room to hide. went to watch inter-hse basketball instead haha.. den nvr do any work at all. the stupid Des. said i the tong xin yuan hua gu.. -_- den got one sec 2 guy think his name is gua cheng, said i sec 3 de.. wad e hell.. haiz.. den came back hm and received a lot more wishing msges.. mom called me too.. she even wished me in korean. thanz mom!!
Sat 20/08/05
hmm.. went to visit my 4th auntie and her husband in Tan tock seng hospital. Both of them had dengue fever.. poor thing.. they were in the Ward A .. so high class.. all personal.. but can see it is very boring to stay der alone without anybody to tok to. My auntie was feeling much better leh but her husbad was bad.. his hands and face all red. poor thing. after visiting them, actually wanted to go for tuition but eng yen said not sure have anot so went hm lo.. nvr go.. went to orchard to get wei bo's pre order with her instead. after collecting his pre order, went to watch 'the maid'. the show was quite scary in front but not anymore when come to the later part. the cinema was so noisy.. the viewers were like laughing after scared by the ghost. Found it wierd. hmm.. 'shutter' is still the best.
Sun 21/08/05
Sun didn't do much.. onli went for tuition den go hm le. sian day..
mon 22/08
almost late for sch.. but managed to reach sch at 7.22 hahah.. bell rings at 7.23am. regina gave me a dog which can record voice one.. so cute.. i like it too. She bought a pig for herself too.. Den yi ling this time reallie bought a present for me.. a mug. hahah.. nvr expect it.,. thought she will share with jas and kristy but she bought it by herself only. thanks. hmm.. sad tt still haven't found my balloon. :(
lessons per normal.. nth special... think again.. after few sec... still can't think of any special thing.
Finally found my balloon!! i found it inside the cupboard under the basin in the storeroom. i was like so bloody happy!! :) BUT.. juz as i was rejocing, ying ying point out to me tt my face on the balloon was destroyed.. tt person who hid my balloon painted on my master piece.. :( who the hell did it?! Miss ang was like so pissed off with tt person and lectured the whole class.. saying she dun wanna see this happen again. after she said all those stuffs, everybody came to comfort me. well, wad i wan to know is who the hell did it?? Did i offend u? r u jealous tt i have this balloon? haiz.. wadever la.. hmm.. shi hai and Des also found their artwork. its kept inside ying ying's stuffs. might have been kept by her. it was 3 xi lin men.. all three of us found our things but they r more fortunate den me.. theirs not destroyed. its so unfair man!!
usual day agin.. nth special..
Friday 26/08 (today)
Its Audrey's birthday today! let me sing birthday song for u ba... 'Happy bithday to u..'
'happy birthday to u,'
'happy bithday to Audrey'
'happy birthday to U!!!'
its juz too bad tt ur birthday falls on wrong day as we were all busy wif o level.. all ur sec 4 friends not free... BUT.. there is this guy, whose name is called SUE SHI HAI is always available for u... but jux to let u noe tt we still care abt ur birthday... dun be sad... well, today is the last day of AA. today the teacher who took care of us is mr ho yew kiat. he was very nice. He can teach maths very well.. think if we are teach by him, we will surely do very well.. den Benny chng also gave us nice..
dats all for today... :) byEee
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
first and foremost, is wei bo finally came to singapore le!!!! so happy!! he came on the 7th of august.. which is the day after his birthday... i didn't fetch him this yr like wad i did last yr.. so sad.. cos needa study.. haiz.. so bei can rite?! den on 8th of august he had mini concert in DXO explanade.. a pub. we actually cannot go one but one person sell the ticket to us as she has extra ticket.. also dun noe how come she can have extra tickets when we can't get any... hmm.. after seeing him was like so happy and high den miss him more and more.. hope tt i can see more often but tts all wishful thinking... all not practical.. well, i should be more mature ba.. erm.. today, which is 9th of august, had his autograph session.. also national day. the session is at 11.30am .. had to wake up so early.. haiz.. so tired sia. waited for him about onli two and a half hours.. unlike last yr.. we waited about five hrs for each session. i said " Happy belated birthday" to him onli and he replied onli " xie xie!" ok la.. nothing special.. juz sad tt he leaving tomolo. hmm.. hope he will come again very soon.
the next thing is, our chinese o level result is releasing out this week. dunnoe is it thursday or friday.. hai.. scared leh.. dun noe whether can get A1 anot.. hmm.. dun sae i buai bae hor.. its better to aim high ma.. haha.. erm.. think i shall retake the chinese o again in november ba.. anyway, no harm trying again.. its juz the matter of money.
i also found out tt my beloved friend, yokie is talented in singing... four yrs friend and we onli know tt not long again... if he didn't sing for national day celebrarbration, his talent will be mai mo.. well, yoke leong, as a friend, i shall say this to u.. if u r to become a celebrity one day, u shall be my second idol.. hhaa.. first is replaced for wei bo le!! :p
this msg is for my pri sch friend, hydrogen. i promised her to go back primary sch wif her yesterday but i didn't in the end.. i went to meet mei yu to watch wei bo.. its not tt i dun care about u.. but wei bo come to sing once in a yr.. when i can always meet up wif u and go to library together.. so dun be sad!!
hmm.. i m writing this for the risk of letting DT reading.. haha.. hmm.. hate him more and MORE. he is like more and more unreasonable and irritating! yesterday although is celebration for national day and so is half day but i m late for sch again.. well, it was rainning at my hse area so i thought i can go sch by cab mahx den somemore quite late le.. but no cab.. den finally a cab came to me. the cam reach the bloody sch and no rainning at the sch!! so i was late for sch.. usually if rainning, 7.45am den counted as late ma.. i reach sch at 7.27am. den mr wong confiscated our ez-link card. after celebration, he dun give us back our ezlink card.. mux wait til 11.30 den give us back... haix... we sat at amphi theartre to chit chat den DT saw us.. (sorry to say tt the late comers are joanna, yovita and me) so he wanted us to have pic discription -_- sianx.. den finally 11.30 liao we can go le den DT still dun wanna come out and test us. den we had to wait for him.. when we wanted to leave, he came out from HOD room. den he said going down to general office to put things den come up test us.. he go der yi qu bu hui tou.. we wait until pek cei!! den leave a note to tell him we leave le.. the msg was very funny.. hope he wont angry...
dearest DT,
pls dun be tooo xiao qi.. (petty)
tts about it la.. wanna go out eat le.. shall blog next time... c whether my com in good mood anot..
Friday, July 15, 2005