I'm baCk from chalet.. hmm.. the chalet was not bad.. quite fun and memorable.. we did quite a lot of stuffs.
1st dAe
reached chalet at 5 plus.. hmm.. we went to ying's cousin chalet instead .. becos of some reason... lazy top type.. den the catering came.. the food was not bad.. i liked the honey dew sago the best.. finished eating, we went back to our own chalet.. so we need to move all the stuffs to our own chalet.. when we were moving here and there, regina or who told me tt they walked passed a naked man.. and he act as if nth happened and remained standing there, tryingto show off. All of us got excited! lol den all of us rushed to there and see but he was not there le.. so we continued to move our stuffs. when we have finally smoved all our stuffs back, we put our bags up to our room.. dorothy was the last to go up and we were already siting at the living room chatting. we heard her screaming.. so all the girls ran up. She said the guy was naked and was just opposite from our room! den we all lifted up the curtain to see and tt idiot naked guy was standing facing us and holding a glass of wine if i'm not wrong, showing off his body to us! and of cos, all the gals screamed. lolx. den we went down to play guessing no. Malik and his friend christensen was the no. setter. if the person who guessed the correct no. will have punishment. our punishment was eating the crickets and worms. all of us got the punishment and because malik and his friend was the setter, dun noe whether they is it gang up to set ying up.. she kept guessed the right no. and she got to eat the crickets and worms while the rest of us onli worms. the worms actualy taste not bad.. afte playing tt, no more games le.. den we became sian and we went to ying's cousin chalet to see wad;s their activity but they jus drink and play their stuffs too.. we intended to play with them but also dun have.. den we slacked and watch tv in our own chalet.. about 9 plus or ten, des, shi hai and his cousin came.. his cousin is a malaysian. was one yr older den him.. they came liao also do nth.. den went to the swiming pool and walked around.. went back to the chalet, and we decided to play poker cards. e played heartattack and murderer.. was fun.. after tt, slacked again den we decided to play water bomb. tt was the exciting part.. i was preparing the bomb and des came to help.. the cunning him bombed me immediately i've finished fillingthe balloons making me wet. so went chasing after him. den scardy ying went to her cousin's chalet to avoid being bombed. den i couldn't bomb des.. he was too cunning.. i went to bomb shi hai's cousin instead.. hahha.. managed to bomb him.. den yiling they all said peace and wanted to bomb des and zhi xian and shi hai together as they were inside the chalet and bombed us from upstairs.. when i was aiming them, yi ling they all and sh's cousin came and bombed me.. wth.. all betrayed me.. den we continued chasing and finally our neighbour told us to shut up and stop playing as they wanted to sleep.. haix.. they go chalet for sleeping.. after tt, we sian liao den des they all decided to go night walk.. planned to eat supper but changi village was very far. we finally set off le and ying came back and they joined us for the walk, pulling her cousin and friend wif us. while walking, some arguements occurred but all settled very fast and continued to walk.. changi village was like 5 km from our chalet.. den walking halfway, the pavement has alot of croach and den wedecided to walk on the roads since there wasn't alot of vihicles at that time. was 2am in the morning.. walking happily, we saw police officers doing routine check and they screamed at us for walking on the pavement. then the officer asked where are we going and we said changi village.. then they said it was very far and said we will reach there at 4.30 am.. was like hell? 2 hours more.. so they adviced not to continue .. so all of us were tired and decide to go back and call Mac. at 3am, we have finally went reached chalet.. den while waiting for the Mac, i wanted to play blackjack but regina they all dun wan so the guys entertained me and we bet. $0.10 each.. was not bad.. earned alot.. zhi xian was the banker and he kept losing money... den the Mac finally came. was so hungry after the walk.. after eating, we continued our blackjack and this time round, dor and yiling and Jas joined us.. now zhi xian continued losing money to us.. sadx for him.. lolx. hmm.. we stopoped playing at 6 plus and went to sleep.. at around 10 plus, i woke up. the rest was still sleeping.
2nd dAe
went to play arcade, pool and bowling.. was bad at the taetorna .. beginer at pool and i didn't play bowling.. thinking it was troublesome.. Des was the beginner at bowling but he strike for several times. so pro.. about 6 plus, went back chalet for barbercue. Malik's another friend came and he was a magician.. so good at magic.. during barbercue, malik let regina and me tried the alchohol and said we will get high after drinking it.. but i didn't so he continued to let me drink.. and to his surprise, i didn't get high at all.. lol.. den he let me trid the seasha(nt sure is it spelt this way) too.. is a kinda smoking but better than ciggerates. was very fragrant and nice.. not choking at all.. den malik and his friend left.. we continued to barbercue.. around 10 plus da loo came and we played bombing again.. lolx.. we have two groups.. gals vs guys.. 7 gals and 3 guys. we finished our bombs and den we used all the gongs and containers filled with tomato and chili sauces to splash them.. lol... then ying's cousin chalet friends all came to join us.. so we decided to peace and attack their chalet.. den we were running here and there and the rest of the chalet ppl were looking at us.. we thought they wanted to complain us so we stopped playing so we went back.. our chalet was so wet and dirty.. so des, zx and shi hai had to clean up.. they were the cause of it.. then after tt, played dai dee and blackjack.. i finally know how to play dai dee le.. lolx.. des was a good teacher.. den zx lost money to us again.. den was very tired, went to sleep while they were still barbercuing.. it was at 3am le.. den at 4 plus, i woke up again and chat wif yiling they all.. nt very long, all went to sleep .. about 8 plus, des and sh woke us up using cunning methods. lolxx.. cos we need to check out at nine ma den we were still slereping at 8.30 so they have to wake us up.. we were finally up and they talk all those craps and blaming us for not leting them to sleep on the bed as sh did not touch the bed for the two whole nights.. sad for him.. den we washed up and waited for the ppl to check the chalet to see wad we have damaged or spoiled. ying have to fine.. cos she made 3 towels stained wif the charcoal.. tt was 69 bucks.. poor her.. already losing money le still need to fine.. den we waited for the shutter bus and went to tanah merah. we took bus to chinatown and ate Mac AGAIN.. den went hm le.. will upload pics..