ladies and gentleman! =) imma back here blogging again! missed me? well, i miss u peeps out there dearly luh!
as i've promised to blog about malaysia right? yeah!!!
malaysia trip was fun!! with pretty babe as our tour guide and with so many tour mates. =)
2 trips to malaysia in two weeks. well, singapore becomes VERY boring that i have to get out of here. luckily will be going to hong kong on sunday. and woohoo! i am so looking forward! i so miss my mom la!
not only will i be staying in hk for the remaining 3 weeks hols, will be going to 广州 and 深圳 in between this trip. =D i am SO looking forward to going 广州 la. *big grin* my sis will be bringing me around and just nice, its her hols also. she's working in some sch there so, its their school holidays too! how nice! must plan nice nice.
whoah! this whole hols is all about travelling. love this hols.
okay la. i stop my lor soh-ness. pics time!
the lady in pink is our miss tour guide!! =D thank you pretty babe!! i hope there's another one. and hope it will be genting next.
our lunch at some kopitiam.. duck rice.
den, we head to city sqare after our delicious meal. YEAH! and our shopping spree starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps around*
we are trying out the head bands. guess which 1 did i get?
paying for my new lady lady bag. =) my white bag spoiled man. i can't go to hk with a spoiled bag, so i got a new pink bag! omg! i am so pinky! everything is pink.
can't help.. i also dunno y. in the past, i am so fated to yellow colors thingy and now, pink color just loves me to bits.
after walking here and there, looking for this and that, we got tired esp jeremy. so we went to kenny rogers while waiting for the other peeps as they went for karaoke. =D
and my favourite is the muffins. =D *sluuuuRps* so nice man! i want to go again! and its hell cheap luh!!!! can't belive the price. haha!
i am so satisfied after the meal. *wink* and after the meal, their karaoke session has also ended, we came back to our homeland, singapore.
on the way back! the guys are so camera shy man. so, to conclude, i bought a
cute cute tee-shirt,
fox shoe,
pinky bag,
pinky hairband and
mascara curler.
of cos! must thank gu po for sponsoring all the malaysian currency la! thanks!
after malaysia, jeremy, eileen and me went to ladies night! woohoo! together with ling, rachel, jie ying, juvena, and their friends. jeremy is the only guy man! but he sure enjoyed hell loads too.
heh! his jacket is so popular la! popular till all the guys there keep playing with the jacket. oh ya! saw hao xiang again. i saw pei yun also! woots! so damn surprised to see her. she said shi xing was there also but didn't able to see. =( i wanna see shi xing la! whole night have been searching for her but phone flat den very crowded also. eyor! okay la!! pictures pictures!!!
the ladies! all so high
with my love again!! =D
together with rachel. lets meet for dinner also okay?
me, jie ying, calvin and erm.. their friend. ha!
an enjoyable night! but too bad eileen and jeremy left early. =( well, coming ladies night will be the last one and i will leave sg liao. how time flies. =( i hope more ppl will go to the coming one. bryan! u better go man! that time drunk den can't dance. kns. okay, tok to u must copy ur style... hahah! i just love ur language man.. =D i be wait wait for ur answer ah! dun be wishy wishy washy ah! heh. i hope when i go hk this time, mom will have connection already. so that can tok to bryan man. need him to entertain me with the language luh.
okay.. i be talk talk till here le. i think ah.. if i copy copy the way bryan talk talk ah, i will also become like him liao. ha! can't stand.