it has finally come to my holiday routine after so much partying and outings and workings and rantings and so many ANDs. will be going to hk tml. yeah! this time round, i'm gonna bring very lil clothes so that i can buy more clothes there. heh! i'm prepared for overweight this time round. =D
will be celebrating Daniel's birthday tml too! at where?! the answer is ..... CHANGI AIRPORT TERMINAL 1! ha! so, they will be sending me off at the same time too! heee.... nice timing huh?
friday 26/09
i went to work at CHIVAS PARTY last night! and its so cool la!! but eileen and me did not have the chance to go and party and drink the chivas la. kns NOT FAIR man! somemore the chivas is free flow leh. End up, both of us free flow for mineral water. -_-
because our job is bagaging. ppl who wanna tag their bag with us, we have to help them and look after their bag. our job is one of the most impt one man! hahah. the clubbers are fun and nice!
i got lotsa hugs and kisses from macho and cute guys. but they are gays. =( too bad... oh ya! chen han wei was there too!! woots. so handsome... =D but no hugs and kisses from him. =( boo!
when the event ended, the security guards had to look around for drunkards and its so funny whenever they pull out one and asked eileen and me :" you want this man?! handsome enough?" the ans are all the same man.. '"go throw into dustbin!' lol
den we had to help to load ALL the left over drinks back to the truck and its hell lots man! now, my arms are aching la.
overall, its a fun event la minus away the stuffy room that keeps the bags and the not so nice fried rice supper and no chivas. BOO!
the staffs are nice too! nice working with jeremy, edwin, jared and of cos my eileen! =D the guys got drink chivas lo... not fair. they got the chance to go down to the dance floor and spray chivas at others too.
Saturday 27/09
went to meet max for an early dinner today after i wake up. and, i brought a pretty gal along to meet him! guess who is she??? wait...
its creamy!!!! =D
he likes to disturb my lil fat gal la. tsk!
we also saw sherry along the way. ha! but she only stayed with us for like 5 mins lo. =( she's late for work ma.. can't be blamed.
i have sent creamy back to gini to take care of her for me while i am away. now, i miss her lots lots man.. and i'm sure my gu po they all also will miss her de lo.
Wednesday 24/09
the next is... LAdIES night at phuture, arena and attica. =D went club hopping this time round.
eileen, me and ruth. =D they are all in black luh.. i so extra.
me and ruth
me and eileen
these were taken while waiting for sherry to get her chop.
and off i hopped to arena with....
rachel, ling and adeline! at arena.
rachel and me
we are with another clubber who clubs alone. so on man!
with adeline
zouk! wait for us!
and we are back! with sherry and ruth! =D
jeremy, max, ,me, eileen and sherry.
opps!! embarrasing actions starts
and this is long time no seen kristy! =D
and we have come to the end of ladies night. i've fun but yet, troubled all my dear friends, taking care of me.. searching for me everywhere when i went off without telling where i go. endless thanks and sorrys.
eyer.. nvr take pic with gary, darren and melvyn. tsk!
to rachel: thanks for hearing me out and the words. those were not worth thinking of. omg. can't believe i become so emo after drinking.
some happy moments!
thursday 25/09
i bought a four skin bag for UNCLE NICK!! why?! because its his 24th birthday on friday!!!! =D
uncle nick, u better love that bag more then any other things okay! its so nice and i love it also but i give to u leh. had dinner with him and his sisters at katong astons. the sisters are nice fellows and friendly. =)
nick, i so good right! i represent simon and thedore to celebrate with u wor. hurhur.
and after that,
i went to stay over at huang huan's hse! =D
she had a fashion show for me.. she wore all her winter clothes to ask me for my opinions for the matchings of the clothings. man! when have my dressing sense become so good huh? hahaha den we chatted for very loooooong.. i love these moments. =) we just dun want to sleep until i became so tired that i myself also dunno when i dozed off. ha!
she will be leaving for UK to study next friday and i wont be there to send her off. so, i'm very happy i stayed overnight at her hse la. endless talk. =D
good luck in everything ok? i know u won't have problems making friends over there becos u are also a friendly gal i know and u are smart in everything! =) stay cool. we can skpe more if u feel lonely there or u happen to miss me so much. i will show u my rabbit when u come back next year for during ur holidays ok? i will also save up and go london to find u! you be my tour guide!
oh! hope to see ur new ang mo bf next yr.. =D
i spent almost every night outside luh. so unhealthy man. shall go to hk and have recuperation to gain back my pink health. had too much late night sleep and alchohol this hols.
with that, see u guys in 3 weeks time!