bye pretty babe. =( i miss ur jokes, stupid actions, ur one and only dancing pattern, ur laughters, gossips and ur heart felt words. Haiz.. hope the clock will tick faster.
took some fotos on our last day at JE.
prettybabe came down specially to see us for the last time even though it was her off day. so jiang yi qi! =D
presents to you our Pretty babe!! =D
pretty babe with eileen
eileen, me, pretty babe and nyu nyu. =)
leen, pretty babe and me!
nyu nyu and me! its also her last day.. she will be posted to JP from tml onwards.
leen and nyu nyu
leen, nyu nyu and me
act cute right? lol
well, i'm not alone..
how did we make our faces so small?
credit goes to the toilet roll!!
Thanks nyu nyu and pretty babe! If not for both of u, our lives in JE would be so lifeless. haiz.. no more lame jokes exchange, juicy gossips to share, good food to share, eat snake together, bully nyu nyu with the 'how many mae mae jump over the wall?' game. no more comics to make me roll on the floor laughing non stop le!!! =C
oh well, i shall accept the new challenge ahead of me! ganbatte!
On tuesday, i witnessed a car accident on the way to work. It is just one street apart from the entertainment centre. The green man had started to blink when i started to cross. so i brisked walked and crossed the street and eventually started to run when there was a red car dashing towards the pedestrians. Then, i heard a loud 'bang!' when my mp3 was already thundering in my ears. i turned back, the red car knocked down a gal. =( she rolled for a few times and laid unconciously on the floor.
my jaw dropped immediately and all the passer bys came to a halt and started to go near to the gal. the driver stopped the car and came down. i was near tears. i just can't imagine that i would have been the one being knocked down by the car if i have been slower. Its just a few steps away only. i went up to the shop and my tears rolled down uncontrollably as i told the accident to eileen and pretty babe. oh man! i was glad i preyed before i left my house. Now then i know what is the meaning of shock to tears.
After that accident, i had a slight phobia crossing roads. My heart would always beat fiercely when a vehicle suddenly comes nearer me.
omg.. i sound like i'm writing a composition right? haiz.. i so hope all these are just a stupid wild stories that we come up with when we write compositions for the school teachers. i never thought the accident will happen right in front of my eyes.
all right, here are the photos we took when we meet up for lunch.
ying, me , yi ling and terrence, the waiter. ha!
yi ling and me with a so big shades
me and ying with her bombarded bomb hair. LOL
des gf, nurul , me, yl and ying
woots! our long time no seen on my blog botak Desmond Ng wei xiong, me , yi ling and ying
sneak peek on us?
going to the next destination
trying to jump first try. des's action very ku ku! lol
2nd try
yeah! we did it!!!
Tay ping hui
charming Julian Hee who smiled at me =)
Fiona xie, joanne PEh and neth's and Darryl's all time fav Felicia chin
and my main purpose there was NAT HO!! =D
oh well, the rest of the weekends wont be
smiling widely like this liao. =S kns.
but i will try to because i never know wad will happen to me the next min. =/