haiyo.. too bad you didn't join us. =( well, next time ba!
the main purpose for the k box is for our dear MAX's birthday celebration. =D
max shld be happier den this right?
well, before going to kbox,
the guys wanted to play pool while waiting for ruth to come.
so, cyn and me started camwhore!!
and, neth came and joined us! haha
den ruth finally came!!
the guys were still pooling, so we continued to take pics.
1st take. opps! u can't see ruth's full face... =(
2nd take. opps!! u can't see my full face now! =(
finally... u see our nice smiles!
while cyn was away. ruth and me continued. gals ah..
group pic before proceeding to the k box!
farhan has three hands!!
bryan, farhan, birthday boy or rather, MIB
sweet couple singing duet. =)
bryan can't be photographer la. =P
ok.. you've improved.
then samuel tan goes around taking photos.
whose victory sign?!
with neth.
it was fun la. bryan is so so funny. he likes to act cute la. know why? he sings 两只老虎, row row your boat, santa claus is coming to town, ten lil indian boys and one chidren song that i nvr even hear before and he can sing till so good la. ba ba wo hui lai le. i only know jay chou has one song that is ba, wo hui lai le. lolx. made us laughed like hell.
i think i better dun see max when my birthday comes if not he's going to take revenge on me. i gave him birthday bash. =X anyway, hope you had fun, max. =) we shall go no signboard to eat seafood next time ba. save up ah! ur treat. =P