haiyo.. too bad you didn't join us. =( well, next time ba!
the main purpose for the k box is for our dear MAX's birthday celebration. =D
max shld be happier den this right?
well, before going to kbox,
the guys wanted to play pool while waiting for ruth to come.
so, cyn and me started camwhore!!
and, neth came and joined us! haha
den ruth finally came!!
the guys were still pooling, so we continued to take pics.
1st take. opps! u can't see ruth's full face... =(
2nd take. opps!! u can't see my full face now! =(
finally... u see our nice smiles!
while cyn was away. ruth and me continued. gals ah..
group pic before proceeding to the k box!
farhan has three hands!!
bryan, farhan, birthday boy or rather, MIB
sweet couple singing duet. =)
bryan can't be photographer la. =P
ok.. you've improved.
then samuel tan goes around taking photos.
whose victory sign?!
with neth.
it was fun la. bryan is so so funny. he likes to act cute la. know why? he sings 两只老虎, row row your boat, santa claus is coming to town, ten lil indian boys and one chidren song that i nvr even hear before and he can sing till so good la. ba ba wo hui lai le. i only know jay chou has one song that is ba, wo hui lai le. lolx. made us laughed like hell.
i think i better dun see max when my birthday comes if not he's going to take revenge on me. i gave him birthday bash. =X anyway, hope you had fun, max. =) we shall go no signboard to eat seafood next time ba. save up ah! ur treat. =P
woots! sorry i know its kinda late to update about my result. was kinda lazy la... hahaha
i am so HAPPY la!!! i passed ALL!!!!!! yay man!! though the grades were like kns. but i am so glad i passed the damn pecons and qmethod!!! =D
happy like shit.
a lot of happy things to share. i bought a NEW phone!! woots! i so love this phone la. well, its not sth new.. this phone is already in the market for sometime liao.
ya.. this is the one!!! thank you uncle nick!!! thank you! =D
had been showing off this phone to my friends. haha.. dun blame me la.. happy ma.. ;)
still adapting to sony errison's functions.
met up with ling on wednesday which is also the day when the results were released. it will be the last time i'll be seeing her around in singapore before she comes back from bangkok. =(
she will be away for osip at bangkok for 4 mths! hell.. gonna miss u gal. no meet ups in sch liao. but i will not be in sch for 4 mths also la. but bankok is so far away la. if singapore still can meet up at times.
gonna miss u, ling.
watched vantage point with ah pek they all just now. not bad.. was kind of a special concept. they love rewinding!! haha! last part was thrilling! =D
haiz.. can't join them for supper.. wet blanket. but i shld stop all the supper thingy liao..
had been having supper lately. so unhealthy la.
shall start my running soon. have been eating non stop and not much exercise. aiyoyo... how how how??
shall start my diet liao. ><
all right,
lastly, would like to encourage my dear t01 peeps whom have failed, dun be discouraged. work hard for the supp paper!! jia yo jia yo jia yo!!! do well for the paper and clear those sickening modules. its becus we hate those subjects that's y we must clear them. jia yo ar!! jani always behind u!
and also, congrats to peeps who have passed! =D
will be watching step up 2 tml! =D
woah.. gonna be movies and movies and more movies!!
but we were not full after the pizza so we called 'Nick's' delivery centre. hehe.. he delivered sakae sushi for us!!! wooohoooo!!
we can't finish the sushi.. so, we played games to finish up the sushi. they add lots of wasabi and stupid stuffs.
we picked our own cards den person whose card is the smallest will eat the sushi. =)
shawn and me also happened to be so unlucky la. i dun have the photos with me yet. teammate went to Japan liao.. shall post when she come back.
alright, after the sushis were finished, we changed to a new forfeit. this forfeit is so inhuman. oh my...
show u example..
know wad is this?? the long long thingy is a pair of chopsticks. so, forfeit is to snap the chopsticks on the forehead. haiyo..
i'm so sway la.. got smallest card again... and had to be snapped for three times. pain like hell.
this is the video.
these are just some of the games we played.. the list goes on...
the 2nd night was bbq. quite a lot of ppl came..
baygone sir's two sons also came!! and i so so LOVE them la. hahaha. so cute lo..
the hardworking ppl..
lazy ppl waiting for the bbq food to be ready. =P
giganto and his forever so fake smile. HA!
we are saving the earth man.. =D
this is my chawal.
the cook of the night and tiff
the potential good housewives. ;)
woah! so hardworking ah? chalet leh..
oh... it's the 'thank you' card for Alan sir and Michael sir la.
and this self-claimed to be camera shy and non-alchoholic drinker actually drinks alchohol and loves them.
enough of nonsense.. hahha.. i love the food la!! they rocks man!! i love the octopus, chicken wing, satay, sting ray and many many!!! *sluurrpps*
i like red wine too. heheh..
ok, after bbq, we started to play water bomb!!! =D
we played guess no. la. person who got right number will be bombed by all the people. shiok!!
so, this time, i'm like super heng la... nvr got the right no. so, i'm not very wet.
den, wei sheng got so jealous and so wanted me to be bombed so he tried all ways to make me get the right number when he was bombed for twice haha! the water bombs were all used up and i'm still dry!!! woohoo. hahah.
so, they changed water bombs to water splashing using ice water. and i was still dry after so many rounds. hahaha.. dunno why so heng leh... =P
den finally, i got the number correct. haiyo.. wei sheng, the devil put all the ice inside and started to pour the ultra ultra icy cold water onto me den suddenly splash the whole pill of ice water onto me when i thought he's done. good job ah!
in the end, the ultimate winner is zai zai and yan ning.
ultimate winners also no use.. in the end all drenched. HAHAHAHA
no wonder we are lack of water.
after bombing, the bathroom becomes popular and wad's more, our chalet only have one toilet. cool huh. went to the public toilet to bathe instead. =(
den devil wei sheng drove lorry to bring us to Changi village to eat supper! woots. so cool la. so many ppl in the lorry in the middle of the night. the wind is so so so so damn strong......