sorry ah.. have been so busy with tkd trainings and working that i'm lazy and tired to update my blog.
oh well, some comments for the demo first
i'm so happy la. hahha
before every demo,
i told my friends :" i now no mood to tok.. tok to me after my planks broke"
heng i broke all the planks if not no one will tok to me liao.
well, time for photos!!
waiting for the emcee to call us
i dun have day's demo photos.. its only videos.. let's go straight to the photos after the performance..
all the people......
the boys
we are from TP TKD. =)
dar trying to break the plank using his hand.. did he succeed??
sue and janice are my holders.. =D
went to take milo after changing
teammate is always the best man..
and i saw mad!! their performance was just over..
busy mushroom
cheerleaders at the bridge welcoming the students
and of cos engin cheerleaders!!
we took the goody bags... so nice la.. thanks to janice's help den i can have the bag..
we went to eat after taking the bag.
ah yong took the green shirt for us too!!
went back to the sports hall to put our things and the guys were playing badminton..
and we changed to the white tee that were supposed to be given to the students. and ah hao wore the green shirt and became our senior, aka tour guide.
so, he toured us around tp.
and i saw ling!
after roaming about in tp, its time for training again..........=( so we went back and they changed to play table tennis.
and my finger nails are too powerful.. i scratched my teammate during the unarm combat. sorry ah!!
day 2
as usual, waiting for our turn..
make use of the chairs we brought ah! smart peeps. so long....
and this is so cute la.. for once, we felt like stars la.. hahah.. why do i say this? becos one photographer came and took picture for us, den 3 or 4 other photographers came to take!! we dun noe where to see la!! this is take 1 i luv this pic. =)
take 2
take 3
and finally, its time for demo!! first item, creative pomsae. everbody is involved
after creative pomsae, its target kicking..
followed by jumping front kick and 360 degree turning kick
and its my turn!!
preparing to kick double
after double, its our unarm combat. this time, i didn't scratch my teammate. =D
and last item was corne's part. 1 against 5. i so like his flying side kick!
jia yo man!! 2 more to go!
as usual, group photo after the demo
teammate, shahira, yanning, me! and giganto
hafiq and huang na's enemy ah hao who is so engrossed in the psp game
and its end of our demo!!!
friendly match
on the way to NUS...
he's poor thing.. no seat.. confined in this small lil space. somemore door step
the head gears and paddings.
me and teammate. =)
we were too early for the match, so we decided to grab our lunch
they are the kia su ones. reached the canteen super fast
giganto so lonely..=(
and the juniors so few
group photo with NUS tkd
tp tkd
xi ting's friend and xi ting . so fierce!!
she is my opponent and she's very friendly.. =) she encouraged me a lot when i've lost confident at a certain point of time. =)
oh man.. a big patch of bruise!!! machiam birth mark la....... so ugly lo =(
a lot of ppl went to poke it once they saw this stupid thingy. it hurts!
my colleague helped me to rub on sunday and i felt like hell. but thanks loads. i know Margerette is just showing concern.
so hope this 'birth mark' faster disappear. so pain.
after the friendly match, i seriously know where i stand now. i had a thorough reflect on the way back to school. oh well, will train hard now!! thanks loads to xi ting.. she knew i was very down and she came to cheer me up. she was there for me when i didn't even expect anyone to be there for me at that point of time. i seriously appreciate it and will definitly improve on my flaws. =D
NTU friendly on 26th January 2008
jia yo!!!