all thanks to my telephone la.
my hse telephone has no dial tone, due to the old wires so we called a contractor to change our wires.
After changing the wire, grandaunt was super happy and i okok. haha.
nvr did i realise that my internet is affected until at night when i tried to surf the net and i stupidly thought the next day will be ok.
i tried to surf the net on tuesday again but was unsuccessful. :(
so, uncle nick came to my house to help me.
but he also can't do anything. So, he called the broadband service line and arranged the technicians to come. they called me and said will be coming down to my house on wed, which is today la. ;) finally fixed it!! The technicians are so hunorous!! made my day full of laughters.
its mooncake festival yesterday!!!
We've actually planned to have mooncake exchange. so, i brought two mooncakes to sch.
But when i reached sch, they told me that they've forgotten to bring their mooncakes. :(
plan destroyed.
Baygone sir ate one of my mooncake. LOL. cos he was hungry.
Michael sir came into the sports hall, seeing him eating my delicious cute lil mooncake and he wanted to eat my last miserable mooncake too. there goes my mooncake.
den after some stretching and stuffs, we ran to the triangular garden to get free mooncakes and lantern. Tiff got so hypered when she heard there's free mooncake to take!
the price of going for free mooncakes.. ran from sports hall, all the way to triangular garden, den down the stairs of the amphi-theatre den up the stairs.. Zzz
our make-a-wish slip..
year ones busy writing their wishes..
my lantern!!
yeah!! we have lantern to carry!! haha! like wad's the big deal right? but its funny la.. half way of training leh.. den all came here and carry lantern and eat muah chee... hurhur.
so many food!!
both janices!!!
white belt boys
white belt gals and two extras!
on the way back to training!! Zzz...
in our own world....
outline of us....
under the moonlight..... with moon cake and lantern. Nice combi!! LOL. old fashion.
a VERY sweet night though.. =)
is actually UNCLE NICK'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ate at new york pizza, located at harbourfront centre.
his blackforest cake.
ah yong super handsome today!!!
oh ya! i'e promised to upload the pics that we took on our blading day. Here it is!!
zi lian king
this bottle of mineral water costs 5 bucks!!! why is that so? because yanning lost her locker key while bladding but we can't find it. so, the uncle said she has to pay $20 so that they can replace a new locker. den before we left, he offered us 4 mineral water!!! hahha!
pool session after blading..