had busfund quiz early in the morning and i can say, it sucks.
Jap role play in the afternoon. Oh man! hahaha. got so excited and anxious before the actual one.. got totally stressed up yesterday that's why i went training. so scared can. scared i'll forget my lines and affect the whole play.
rehearsed for a billion times.
actual was alright. nvr forget my lines. but trying real damn hard to remember.
with my onesan!! (y got extra handsign behind huh?)
susanto san and jun yi san (trying hard to memorise script)
i'm showing off my powerful "clean" and "tidy" script. haha!
yeah man!! no more jap!!!!!! with shigeta san, my jap teacher. =)
such a relief after the play.
had dinner with to9 peeps, celebrating rosie's birthday. =) Her birthday is on 7th august. same as sebastine, one day after wilber's birthday. and you know wad? I actually forgot wilber's birthday is on 6th august. its my "onesan", jasmine san told me. lol. bad fan.
had dinner had breko, in bugis. rather nice food, a satisfied dinner. =)
Headed to a cafe, where we can play different kinds of games in it. forgot the shop name already. Games are rather exciting. its something different lo. at least it managed to make me high for a while. cos for the whole day, i'm super tired. i even slept on the bus and in the restruant. hurhur. *embarrased*
National day tomorrow.