today's weather can best represent my feelings today.. feeling gloomy.. perhaps, its the weather tt is forcing me to do reflections.. cold weather may be nice.. no persperiration.. but it's my most emotional period too..
I tend to think a lot.. sometimes too much for me to digest..
we always hope tt others will listen to our probs and grumblings.. me too.. i'm yearning for a listening ear.. but, i'm not the only person who has probs.. i want my close ones to listen to me.. but they have their own problems too.. i can't be selfish..
life still goes on.. so, i'll always tell myself "its no big deal! shake tt off!" tt's the only way for me to stay strong.
my family members had always been saying tt i'm so dependent on others.. well, at times i hate to admit that, i'm not an independent gal.. i can't solve a problem by myself.. have to rely others to help me accomplish it.. i can't think of any problems tt is solved by myself..
alright, i dun wan my visitors' feelings to be affected by me..
i shall stop here.. there are tonnes of homework waiting for me to complete!! ciaos!!