I thiNk tt todaE iz e onli day tt i started revising maths. I went to seek for help from Samson wong. He is veri good at taching and i know le. i shall go to him everyday and hope tt i can improve in my final yr. i onli hope i can get a pass. Had not been blogging cos veri tire. Quite a few things to say. I had my oral and i passed. But i thiNk i did not pass wif veri high marks. I think i read veri badly despite all my practise. nOt veri happy wif it even though my standard is not veri high but....Haiz.. Miss chin say pass veri good le.. bt i still not ok lo... hmm.. we did our rifa presentation. Whole class acting and we scored 24/30. its quite lousy le cos got 2 groups scored 29 and fOO loong's group scored FULL mARKs!! so good sia... They act until veri good and its daMn entertaining. Oh! i got back my maths mock exam from the tuition. As usual, i did veri badly for it. well, at least i got some marks. ha! ha! I wish tt my next mock exam can get higher marks so tt won't be so lao kui (embarrased). i think lately i had been pang seiing wt and i felt bad about it as i can see tt she is veri lonely and leftout but i can't help it! i juz have to say "sorry wt!" today although got chinese rememdial but teacher also never set us work and we are toking and playing. Y is the teacher not controling us? my previous chinese teachers are all veri fierce and strict excet this 1. although he veri good in teaching but he can't control class! His class is supposed to be a chinese class and now it turn into a relaxation class.WE did all we want. todae chanel lost her wallet. inside got over hundred dollars and her ic also inside. the wallet is branded too. it cost $300 plus... haiz... pathetic! todae go hm veri late is partly becos of her thing cos we wanna like console her and accompany her. its jus a basic courtesy rite? although she got dominic to accompany but regina,kristy , moven and i stay back to accompany. I felt tt she like dun appreciate it lo... she never even say thanks to us for accompanying and console her well, when u help others u dun expect them to repay u but its basic manners. when we leave sch wif her, she is like leaving us behind and its like"none of my business" attitude toward us. haiz... enough of her... the more i say abt her, the more i will start to dun like her so... shall stop toking abt her. Dun understand y todae can tok to mr sim so much. got a lot of things to say lo. He actually not bad 1 lo... although he quite lame. shall stop here le... cos now veri late! BYeee!